Can You Go Bald Again After A Hair Transplant?

Before undergoing the expense and recovery time of hair transplant surgery, you may wonder about the long-term benefits, and if you have the potential to start balding again. At Aesthetic Scalp in Chicago, IL, our board-certified physicians, Dr. Anil Shah and Dr. Sameea Chughtai, strive to provide natural-looking results. Throughout your time with us, we want to help you feel knowledgeable about caring for your transplants after surgery. To encourage the growth of your transplants and stimulate dormant hair follicles, we provide in-depth aftercare instructions. You may also benefit from nonsurgical procedures, like PRP therapy, exosomes therapy, and low-level laser therapy. We encourage you to read through our blog to learn more, and schedule an appointment with Dr. Shah or Dr. Chughtai to receive a consultation and a unique treatment plan.

Am I a good candidate for hair transplant?

Hair loss can happen for a variety of reasons for both men and women. Common reasons for hair loss include:

  • autoimmune problems
  • hormone imbalances
  • genetics
  • stress
  • lifestyle changes
  • certain medications
  • hairstyles and products
  • scalp infections

If you start to experience permanent hair loss, follicular unit extraction (FUE) or follicular unit transplant (FUT) treatments could address these issues. However, we need to try and determine the underlying reason first. Discovering the underlying cause can help protect the hair you already have. It also allows us to create a treatment plan that meets your exact needs. Once we have a treatment plan, we will schedule your FUT or FUE transplant.

How does hair transplant work?

At Aesthetic Scalp, we offer both FUT and FUE hair transplant techniques. The difference between FUE and FUT is the technique used during the procedure. During FUE, we extract each individual hair follicle from the back of your head with the ARTAS Robotic hair transplant system, and we place it in the needed area. For FUT treatments, we take a small piece of skin from the back of your head and transplant the follicular units into the treatment area. Next, the incision is closed with stitches. Both procedures offer a variety of benefits. At your appointment with Dr. Shah or Dr. Chughtai, they will help you pick the right transplant technique for you.

Does transplanted hair last forever?

After your procedure, it takes around five months to see your final results because your hair follicles need time to process through their natural cycle. Typically, your donor hair is not impacted by the hormone dihydrotestosterone or DHT. However, patients should closely follow our detailed aftercare instructions and the hair loss prevention strategy for their non-transplanted hair. To enhance your overall results, we often recommend PRP or exosome therapy. Both of these procedures can help improve your outcome.

Additionally, patients in Chicago, IL who experience hair loss because of the DHT hormone will need to use a product or medication that suppresses it. Otherwise, you will continue to lose non-transplanted hair, which could create patchy regions or bald spots. Before either FUT or FUE procedures, we will describe this information in detail and ensure its part of your hair care strategy.

Schedule a hair transplant consultation

At Aesthetic Scalp, Dr. Anil Shah and Dr. Sameea Chughtai proudly offer their Chicago, IL community innovative options for reducing hair loss. If you experience hair loss, please schedule an appointment to learn more. We understand the frustration of losing your hair. Don’t let it hinder you from feeling confident in yourself. Offering compassion and unique treatment plans for all patients, our doctors look forward to helping you feel confident in your appearance.