How Long Does a Robotic Hair Transplant Take?

Hair loss is a natural fact of life. That doesn’t make it any easier, though. Whether you’re genetically predisposed to have hair loss or encounter hair loss due to stress, hormonal changes, lifestyle habits, or something else, it’s often disheartening to notice a balding or thinning spot of hair.

At Aesthetic Scalp, we want you to look and feel your best. That’s why board-certified physicians Dr. Anil Shah and Dr. Sameea Chughtai offer our Chicago, IL patients’ cutting-edge treatments for hair restoration using some of the latest technologies and treatments. FUE (follicular unit extraction) with the ARTAS Robotic Hair Transplant system allows men and women the opportunity to preserve the integrity of their scalp, maintain a realistic and natural head of hair, and increase their self-esteem.

What is ARTAS Robotic Hair Transplant?

Hair restoration with the ARTAS Robotic Hair Transplant system is a cutting-edge procedure that has gained popularity in the United States because it is known to be more accurate and comfortable than traditional hair transplants. Your robotic hair restoration will begin by extracting hair follicles from the back area of the scalp — known as the donor region – utilizing the ARTAS system. This robotic technology increases the precision of the treatment, creating a more efficient procedure. The hair follicles will then be reinstated into the chosen areas for the best outcome.

What can be expected from the robotic hair transplant process?

Different than traditional “hair plugs,” which take large patches of hair, FUE hair restoration using the ARTAS system harvests natural groupings of hair follicles that are then individually transplanted by one of our skilled doctors. This provides an even look that leaves our patients with a fuller head of hair.

While the use of the ARTAS Robotic Hair Transplant system is more streamlined and efficient than traditional hair restoration processes, it can take about a full working day to complete. The process, although it may seem slow, is a delicate process that will provide stunning results for many years to come.

To even further your results, we may combine it with platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy or another regenerative technique to encourage hair growth for years down the road.

When are FUE robotic hair restoration results noticeable?

You will start to notice results gradually – which will even reduce the chances of people noticing you had hair restoration performed. Most often our Chicago, IL patients can start to see new hair growth after about three months, which will continue for about a year. The results are natural and subtle and will leave your friends and family thinking you look great!

Restore natural hair growth

We know how important a full head of hair is to men and women today. Hair loss, often seen as a sign of “getting old,” is something that men and women can experience as early as their 20s depending on a variety of factors. Living with hair loss doesn’t have to be the only option, though. Hair restoration at Aesthetic Scalp can provide Chicago, IL men and women the opportunity to fill in bald or thinning areas of hair for a natural and beautiful look. For more information, contact our office to schedule a consultation with Dr. Anil Shah or Dr. Sameea Chughtai.