Chicago, IL | Jeffrey: A Hair Restoration Story | Aesthetic Scalp

The confidence that hair can give someone can be contagious. Thanks to Aesthetic Scalp Chicago, Jeffrey's biggest problem is having to schedule haircut appointments! Special thanks to Jeffrey for sharing your experience and newly found confidence. ARTAS is the latest and greatest in medical science when it comes to hair restoration. Robotic restoration is more accurate, less time consuming, and guarantees that the last hair follicle is as good as the first. If you or anyone you know is interested in robotic hair restoration by ARTAS, visit Aesthetic Scalp Chicago!


Jeffrey: My name is Jeffrey and I'm an ARTAS robot patient. I was taking a shower and noticed that in addition to the shampoo coming off, there's also some hair coming down. So the first person that told me was actually my roommate at the time because even though I'm very clean and arguments about who's hair was in the shower. So once I noticed I was very particular with what I was wearing on my head, I would wake up in the morning and just notice that my hair was thinning and asked her, Hey, do you notice a difference today? Do you notice a difference today? When I started researching the process, I realized that I did not want to strip the back of my head. He had tools that could actually look at the density of the follicles and could show my actual follicle growth and destruction of certain follicles on a computer screen.

Jeffrey: He had a smile on his eye and he told me that he absolutely had the solution for me. You told me about ARTAS robots. Once he got the robot, my head was was in good hands. So tonight's the night before my ARTAS's hair procedure, I'm going to Aesthetic Scalp in Chicago. Dr. Anil Shah's the one performing the procedure. I'm excited. You can see that I'm receding on both sides and it is thinning as well on the top. During the entire procedure, I was absolutely conscious with no discomfort. I couldn't even feel the pressure when the robot was extracting the follicles, there was no pain, no discomfort. I could feel something touching my scalp, but there was nothing that would even resemble discomfort during the entire procedure. I would say within a week to a week and a half and notice that the follicles that have been transplanted have actually started to grow.

Jeffrey: I'll never forget the time that I walked into the apartment home from work and my wife looked at my hair and she's like, Oh my gosh, what is going on? Obviously I got scared. I thought maybe there's a follicle taken out and as she got closer she told me that the hair that had been grafted and my natural hairline, we're almost seamlessly at the same height, same length, same obviously color cause it's my own hair and that gave me validation that this was on the right track. It has made my life a whole lot more comfortable to not have to wear hats or to be able to pick out outfits where I feel comfortable with my hair or to not even have to worry about my hair or even though getting haircuts now is annoying. The fact that I have to schedule haircuts is a good thing and I can say wholeheartedly it was the best decision I made. The process was painless, the staff was friendly, the facility is pristine. If anyone here is thinking about having their hair done or, or even just wants to come in and ask questions and non judgemental facility, I I implore you, come here, you're in good hands. You're not going to be pressured to buy anything and I promise you will not regret the decision. My name is Jeffrey and Dr. Anil Shah gave me my hair back.