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Dr. Shah:
Exosomes and PRP, how do they differ?
Exosomes come from outside of your body. PRP comes within your body. That’s both a good and a bad thing. It’s good that it comes from outside your body. It means you don’t have to get a blood draw. It’s bad because there’s always a chance of transmissible diseases coming from another person. That being said, since exosomes are so small, the chance of them holding a bacterial infection or viral infection are really low, especially in a heavily screen individual.
I don’t believe to date there’s a transmitted disease for PRP, since it’s from your own body, your body’s healing itself, which I like the concept of his philosophy of that. But there’s a limitation on that. If your platelets are lower, if you are a little bit older, your platelets are maybe not working as youthful as you want them to work, and they’re not going to release as much of a response.
But again, you have less risk of transmissible things from PRP, although it’s extraordinarily, extraordinarily low, and I’ve done both, and for the reasons I prefer exosomes.
Common uses are going to be using it for the hair. I think exosomes win. It’s a little stronger, a little more powerful for that than PRP. Healing after incisions, healing after lasers. I think exosomes are going to be a little bit more effective than PRP, but both can work for that.
For men and women, it can be used for sexual dysfunction or to improve your sexual health. And I think in that case, I actually like PRP better than exosomes.