How Does PRP Therapy Help With Hair Loss?

For men and women struggling with thinning hair or hair loss, even the simplest of daily routines can be difficult, discouraging, and depressing. In fact, many people suffering from early or significant hair loss begin to avoid certain social situations altogether. While surgical hair restoration is certainly a fantastic option, some patients may not be ready, willing, or able to undergo the procedure just yet. For these men and women, minimally invasive PRP therapy provides a life-changing solution for restoring thick, natural, gorgeous hair growth with less expense and virtually no downtime.

The exceptional team at Aesthetic Scalp in Chicago, IL, led by double board-certified facial plastic surgeon Dr. Anil Shah and board-certified physician Dr. Sameea Chughtai, is committed to helping patients restore their hairline, confidence, and overall quality of life with the most advanced hair restoration tools and techniques available, including PRP therapy.

What is PRP therapy for hair loss?

PRP, which stands for platelet-rich plasma, is a particular substance within the blood. When isolated, PRP can offer valuable regenerative benefits to a targeted treatment area. For instance, many cosmetic dermatologists utilize platelet-rich plasma during facial treatments to stimulate healthy skin cell growth and collagen production for a more youthful, glowing, gorgeous complexion.

When it comes to thinning hair and hair loss, PRP is a fantastic tool for stimulation. By applying platelet-rich plasma to the area of hair loss, patients can achieve natural, thick, reliable hair growth.

How does PRP work for hair loss?

During PRP therapy for hair loss in Chicago, IL, which usually takes about an hour to complete, patients will sit or lie comfortably in one of the private treatment rooms at Aesthetic Scalp. At the beginning of the treatment session, an experienced technician will numb the scalp and draw a small amount of blood from the patient’s arm, which will then be placed into a centrifuge. This highly advanced machine will separate the platelet-rich plasma from the other components of the blood. Next, our board-certified surgeon will meticulously and precisely introduce the PRP into the areas of hair loss. Finally, microneedling will be administered to create tiny injuries to the scalp, allowing the PRP to penetrate deep into the skin.

Immediately after treatment, patients may experience a small amount of swelling or discomfort at the treatment site, but these symptoms are usually mild and resolve quickly. After several weeks or months, patients should begin to appreciate a noticeable improvement in their hair growth and density, with the full results developing in about 4 – 6 months.

How long is PRP therapy healing time?

One of the most attractive aspects of PRP treatment for hair loss is that there is virtually no downtime after the procedure. Patients do not need to cut their hair or shave their head before the procedure, and most men and women are able to resume their normal daily routines immediately after treatment with limited – if any – restrictions.

How long does PRP last for hair growth?

It is important for patients considering PRP therapy to have realistic expectations for their results and understand that it is not a permanent solution for hair loss. However, the effects of PRP can often be enjoyed for up to 18 months or longer before a repeat treatment may be needed. In many cases, patients choose to combine their PRP therapy with surgical hair restoration, in the form of follicular unit extraction (FUE), for a dramatically longer-lasting outcome.

Restore your hair growth and your confidence with PRP therapy in Chicago, IL

Without a doubt, hair loss can be one of the most embarrassing and discouraging cosmetic concerns for men and women of any age. Fortunately, PRP therapy for hair loss offers patients a convenient, effective, and natural way to restore thick and beautiful hair growth. If you are struggling with the physical and emotional effects of thinning hair or hair loss, we invite you to call the caring team at Aesthetic Scalp and schedule your private consultation with one of our award-winning board-certified physicians, Dr. Anil Shah or Dr. Sameea Chughtai, to learn more about how PRP therapy can restore your youthful head of hair and boost your confidence today!